Saturday, July 20, 2024


Stop by the gallery between now and July 27th to see Zachary Steinman's LEGO sculpture show "Lego My Ego"!

Patchwork Colour Cube 5x5x5

Energy Coupler Cube 7x7x7

This show opened with ALMOST 40 custom designed LEGO sculptures all from the deeply creative mind of Zachary. 

Venomous cubes

We asked Zacahary some questions to share with you about his creative process, take a read below!

How do you design your Lego pieces?

Some of my works are direct scale representations of real world objects and I try to make them as accurate as possible using the different Lego elements.

Art Desk Inspiration 8x9x7

Matchsticks 12 inches tall

Keep it clean 8x8

My more artistic builds such as the cubes and other sculptures are inspired by the bricks themselves sometimes.  I’ll discover a pattern or technique using the bricks that I think is interesting and then incorporate in my work.  

Road Work Cube 14x14x14

Coral Sunset cube 6x6x6

What made you decide to use LEGO as your medium?

I’ve always loved to construct things from a young age and of course LEGO played a large part in my childhood.  During the pandemic I rediscovered my love of Lego but this time took it in a more artistic direction.  After receiving a lot of positive feedback and reactions to my work I started to believe that I could use it as a true art medium. 

Endless Knot cube 7x7x7 pedestal separate 4x4x8

Spiral/hurricane sculpture 5x5 base 12inches tall

What motivates you to create art?

Besides being a way to separate myself from reality for while I love to create things that I have never seen before.  I also love people’s reactions to my work, especially when they realize it is made with Lego. 

Stone with blue topaz core 5x5x8

Paint it Black 5x6x15

Want to see more of Zachary's work? 
Follow THIS LINK to see the entire album of his "Lego My Ego" show!