Saturday, September 7, 2024

RAINY CAT-urday Fun!

 Hello and Welcome to SATURDAY! Also known to some as CAT-urday! Meooooow. It's also a great time to explore our website for your new favourite local art, right HERE.

It's raining here in Halifax,NS today so if you're staying at home and want a FUN thing to do and stop the scrolling...why not play with a FOLD-ED by artist Ed Beals!  Did you know we still sell these adorable, creative critters at the gallery?! We have so many designs for special occasions too! 

CLICK THIS LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE PDF and make your very own Brandy Cat today! All you need is some stiff paper, a printer, some scissors and maybe some tape or glue. 



SHOW US YOUR COMPLETED BRANDY CAT via email ( or TAG us on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter) for a chance to win an arty gift pack from Argyle Fine Art- including a few vinyl stickers, an art print and another FOLD-Ed to send to a friend (paper edition!)   

Don't feel like making a FOLD-Ed.....wellllllllllllllllll....just send us photos of your CAT today instead! We'll reshare online and ENTER YOU TO WIN the art-y prize too! DEADLINE: End of Day Sunday, Sept. 8th.

Here's a  photo of LOGAN, son of Adriana at Argyle Fine Art to get things started :-) 

Speaking of cats.....we also have a DOG EVENT coming up. MARK YOUR CALENDARS and meet some INSTAGRAM famous Dogs, Support LITTERS N' CRITTERS , buy paintings by ....yes, DOGS and cool things for your dogs and cats from local vendors too.   

(Please leave your pup home for this event though, as the dogs attending are all we can accommodate safely in our space. but normally, we are very PET FRIENDLY!) 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


On August 22nd we opened TWO new shows...

Posters from Gordon and Paulette's show openings

The fantastic skyscape painter, Gordon MacDonald, took over our mainfloor gallery with an awe striking collection of 31 paintings in his show "The Quiet and the Seen"

Gordon posed in front of his 36"x48" oil painting "The Kennebecasis Valley"

And Paulette Melanson, an incredibly skilled abstract artist, filled our lower gallery with marvelous colour from her show "Revelations".

Paulette posed with a wall of her works at the opening

We held the opening for both shows on the 22nd and enjoyed a wonderful evening full of art, chatter and delicious cloud shaped cookies (inspired by Gordon, of course) from P4Patisserie. 

Happy little cloud cookie from P4Patisserie held up to Gordon's 24"x36" oil painting "Edmundston in April". They were just as delicious as they were cute!

Check out below to see works from Gordon and Paulette's new shows, and a video link to watch our Gallery Manager set up and talk through hanging Paulette's work and links to more works available from both artists! 


"The Great Upheaval", 30" x 40",  Acrylic and Painted Paper Collage on Canvas

"The Great Upheaval" is Paulette's focal piece, as well as the largest piece within this body of work.  

Read below for Paulette's thoughts and the inspiration behind this painting.

"In 2022, I had the opportunity to walk on private lands (previously owned by my pre- 

 deportation ancestors) in the Queen Anne Marshes adjacent to Melanson Settlement 

National Historic Site (near Port Royal). This very special experience inspired a 

representational painting of my memories of the landscape as seen and experienced  

that day. In 2024, feeling that the painting did not express what I wanted to say, I 

reworked it to create the final painting, ‘The Great Upheaval’, a very tragic period for the 

Acadian people. This piece is an homage to the courage and determination of my 

ancestors who made it through." 

To learn more about the Great Upheaval go to:

"Life in the City" , 20" x 16", Acrylic on Canvas

"Facing the Future", 36" x 24", Acrylic on Canvas

"Internal Voice", 16" x 20", Acylic on Canvas

Interested in how Paulette builds her ideas and excecutes these wonderfully complicated images?
Read her Artist Statement below! 

"My goal is to create work that is honest, genuine and reflects my beliefs, values and


Although my work explores themes and questions that matter a lot to me, my process

for getting there is most often unplanned, unpredictable, chaotic and meditative;

sometimes all at the same time. The process begins by experimenting with certain

techniques to create an effect. I get lost in the process of mark making, painting or

collaging with a panoply of tools and objects I’ve collected over the years. After a while

(hours, days, and sometimes months) I go on a resolution journey. This is usually

another long obsessive phase. Themes or subjects almost never enter the picture as

they get in the way of my creativity. I let go and follow my intuition letting my conscious

mind take a rest. Themes only come to mind when the work gets close to finished. Over

the years I have learned that my paintings express things to me that I had not thought

about lately or that I cannot easily express otherwise – they are truly revelations.

What I see in my paintings may be quite different than what you see. What you see is as

important to me as what I see. And sometimes people don’t see anything which is ok

too. Hearing your interpretations of the painting helps me understand people’s

perception of my work.

The following poem I wrote explains my process.

The search

I search, I search

I don’t know for what, I don’t know why

All I know is I enjoy it

I am compelled and that’s ok

The not knowing keeps me wanting more

The understanding is not always immediate

The paint always reveals"

Want to learn more about the process of hanging a show? Follow this LINK to watch our Gallery Manager Emily as she hangs Paulette's show before the opening. 

Follow this LINK HERE to see Paulette's entire show "Revelations" 

and follow this LINK HERE to see older works available from Paulette.


"The Family Business", 36" x 36", Oil on Canvas

"Broken clouds and Orange" , 10" x 15",  Oil on aluminum

"Off in the Background", 10" x 15", Oil on Aluminum

 "The Dover Road" 18" x 20", Oil on Aluminum

"Years ago In P.E.I", 14" x  24", Oil on Copper

While many of Gordon's new pieces have taken off to their new homes we still have a wonderful collection of his works for you to see at the gallery! 

Follow this LINK HERE to see Gordon's entire show "The Quiet and the Seen" 

And follow this LINK HERE to see older works available from Gordon.