For those who are dedicated followers of Brian Porters artwork, you'll be happy to know that we've just received a new crop of watercolour and inks on paper/plywood. Now, for those who have yet to hear of Porter... have a look-see at our website for a quick glimps of his past works - an extrodinary artist. See our logo on the top left hand side of this blog?
Yup - Brian Porter painted that for us... We're big fans.
(The following works are ink and watercolour on paper, mounted on plywood.)
"Rifle with Scope" 5" x 4 7/8" | | | | | |
"Balloon Seller" 6 5/8" x 4 7/8" |
"Mermaid" 6" x 6" |
"Beat Your Own Drum" 6" x 6" |
"Texaco Gas Station" 5 1/4" x 5" |
"Skeleton & House" 6" x 5" |
"Pirate" 5 1/2" x 5 3/4" |
"Dog & Skull" 4 7/8" x 6 7/8" |
"Circus Train" Ink and Watercolour on Paper/Plywood 6" x 20" |