Finally, most of the show is online (a few updates in the coming days, so check back often!). Crystal Ross, the Assistant Director here at Argyle Fine Art always does such a great job photographing the artworks for our artists. It's not always an easy task- especially with this type of show, with such varied mediums being used.
You can see the show online by going to: and simply clicking on the show name!
The show just opened on Saturday afternoon, so it's really just begun-which means there are some great works to choose from. The reception was packed with people and dogs...lots and lots of dogs...approximately 45 of them in fact!
The show offers something for everyone- ranging in prices from $8 to $1300. Drop by soon- and don't forget to bring a donation for a cat or dog if you can afford it and tweet your pet's pictures to TWITTER, using hashtag #catpersondogperson.
Here's a few pieces from the show. Now go over to to see all the others and be prepared to SMILE.
Here Comes the 4 Year Old- Cherakee Stoddard |
Hey Good Lookin'- Caitlin McGuire |
Family Portrait- Laura Kenney |
Saint Roscoe Patron Saint of Over Excitement- Gordon MacDonald |
Go Home Kitty!- Pam Webber |
OKIE!- Angela Carlsen |