Argyle Fine Art is always interested in seeing new art from new artists! We're not exactly sure what we're looking for but we'll know it when we see it! So,perhaps you're the artist we've been looking for! If interested in submitting your work via a
portfolio please follow the submission recommendations below:
A professional resume/CV
An artist statement
A LINK to your blog or site, or NO MORE THAN 5 images (Jpegs, 300 dpi max) , a flash drive or CD.
Do Not Send Us The Physical Artwork or just SHOW UP with ARTWORK!
Please include information on each work: medium, size and date of completion
Reviews, catalogues, articles, history of sales if any.
SASE self addressed stamped envelope if mailing your submission.
You can email submissions to:
Proposal of work to be exhibited - optional
Argyle Fine Art
Attention: Exhibitions Coordinator
1559 Barrington Street, Unit 102
Halifax, NS
B3J 1Z7
Thank you for your interest in our gallery.
We will attempt to contact you in writing within one month of receiving your submission.