Good morning Everyone! We wanted to remind everyone to attend artist Mark Brennan's talk tomorrow evening at Argyle Fine Art from 6-7:30pm.
Arrive at 6pm, with start time 6:15pm. We may run overtime a bit, as there will be time for questions after the talk. Light Refreshments will be served!
To RESERVE YOUR SEAT, email us today or tomorrow(or call) at / 902-425-9456
$10 or $5 Seniors or Students
We HIGHLY recommend you attend this talk if you are a lover of nature and art, a student of art and interested in plein air painting or generally want to learn something new and enjoy the stories that Mark will share, not only using his paintings as direct illustrations, but sounds and other sights as well.
Here is a wonderful example of Mark's abilities as an artist, a filmmaker, sound-scape artist and an all-round wonderful person.