Monday, September 11, 2017

Keeping it Simple

Our apologies for a lack of blog entries so far this month- there have been vacations and long weekends to blame for it. But we're back at it and excited to share a few images from our most recent workshop lead by artist Gordon MacDonald this past Sunday, held at Rainbow Haven Beach.

Gordon is one of the five artists that hosted workshops this Summer as part of our ART ON THE GO! series; where we take art making outside of the studio and on location to interesting and beautiful locations!

Gordon's main message with this past workshop was "keep it simple". A message we all need reminding of, in any part of our daily lives for sure, but especially important when creating and painting. He helped students look at approaching painting differently, reducing a selected image to shapes and using only two colours of acrylic paint: Titanium White and Paynes Grey. The images posted below by the participants are proof that painting with a limited palette can really pay off, help you figure out values and the result can be pretty magical.


Keep in mind that these little paintings are works in progress for the most part, and painted within just over an hour, but we really are so impressed by the quality of these works!

We had a pretty amazing day to work outside too. Clouds and skies for miles and miles and miles! And lots of Smiles!

We hope to host a few more of these fun and innovative workshops in the coming months, so if you are interested keep an eye on our blog or send us an email to be put on our newsletter list. Challenge yourself and learn something new!