Although many of you tell your friends and colleagues about our gallery already through social media sharing (which is very important and appreciated) , sometimes the old ways of doing things are still the most effective. Word of mouth is just the best way to share information so we want to REWARD you for helping us get the word out about our gallery.
HOW IT WORKS: Drop in to pick up a few especially designed referral cards or ask us to mail them to you if you live at a distance. Put your info on the back of the card and hand out to anyone you think would enjoy our gallery.
Then,when they visit us in person they simply tell us how they found out about the gallery or give us the card you left with them. We'll give them a gift but put your name and info into a bi-monthly draw for a $100 credit!
Our first Draw for a $100 credit is happening on October 31st so getting sharing and get your name included in for the WIN!
is not based on whether a sale happens or not from your referral. We
just want to THANK YOU for sharing our business with others and get more
feet on the street...and into the gallery!