Have you signed up for our newsletter yet? If not, it's easy to do right from this blog site and we promise not to spam you or over do it with emails! Just one email a week to keep you up- to- date on the happenings at the gallery, filled with lots of new art to delight your eyes!
You can sign up from almost any page on this blog (look to your left- you should see the sign up form there) or simply head over
HERE TOO! New members that sign up between July 4th and August 4th will be automatically entered into a draw to WIN special gifts from us too.
Here's what today's newsletter looked like! ENJOY and please visit us in person or online soon!
"For All we Know", 24" x 18", Acrylic and watercolour on cradleboard by Craig Baltzer, $685
Road Trips are Better when you add ART
If you are planning on heading out to discover your home province this
weekend or our neighbouring bubble provinces, make sure to add some ART
to your trip! Art is easy to find as it's all around you! To all of you
living farther away, we hope you do the same! Thankfully we can all
connect virtually anytime and enjoy art from the comfort of our homes or
cottages too,so make sure to visit our gallery online anytime. There is so much to see and discover! SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESSES! SMALL PURCHASES MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE.
not purchase a signed copy of Briana Corr Scott's book, "The Book of
Selkie" from Argyle Fine Art and receive a secret link to host your
very own SELKIE PARTY with extra special things created
just for you by Briana including colouring sheets, bunting, art-making
videos, cupcake toppers, two ZOOM backgrounds using her illustrations
that you can use anytime you are chatting with friends and more!. Of
course, each book comes with paperdolls and clothing also illustrated by
Briana. YAY!
is happening again this weekend in Downtown Halifax and Dartmouth, so
get outside and support your local businesses. Lots of special offers
and fun to discover at each participant. FIND OUT ALL ABOUT IT HERE with a great interview on Global News last week!
We have lots of new art for you to discover in our gallery, including new art by SHARON CAVE that features adorable bunnies like Benjamin featured here!

But we thought we'd encourage you to
really LOOK at art in our gallery and also find a few public gallery
works in Halifax too, by taking part in our ART SCAVENGER HUNT!
Pick up your Art scavenger forms as soon as we open tomorrow, Saturday,
July 4th at 11am.Take a look around the gallery to find answers to some
of your clues. Then head outside to discover other local public art
hidden in plain sight!
Return your completed forms to us in person or via email at
gallery@argylefa.com by end of day Thursday, July 9th for a chance to
WIN $50 gift certificate from us and some other artful treats! Great for
any age! HAVE FUN!
If you'd rather enjoy nature
this weekend, why not go on an artful nature walk and talk with Mark
Brennan. Artist Mark Brennan has put together a video presentation about
his life as an artist- how it all began and how he continues to be
inspired by his surroundings in nature and expressing himself through a
variety of mediums.
$10 get an exclusive link to this wonderful presentation that Mark had
planned on doing in person before Covid-19 as well as a special
"BACKYARD BIRD" identification challenge check-list adventure you can
do outside anytime on on your own with friends in family.Share your
findings with us and photos too. In addition, you will also be receive a
small packet of seeds to plant some flowers to attract birds to your
BACK by submitting a photo of a bird or your favourite place in nature.
Send your photo to us via gallery@argyelfa.com no later than August 8th.**THIS
IS A GREAT THING TO DO VIRTUALLY- no need to live in Nova Scotia or
close to participate! We'd love to see images from other parts of the
world too!**
We are planning
lots of great shows and events that can be enjoyed this season from our
gallery, no matter where you live! We hope to add some new workshop
opportunities soon and are planning for some exciting shows in July and
August, including Gordon MacDonald's annual show opening July 23rd and
new works in August by Isobel Hamilton! Thanks to all of you
that keep on supporting us with purchases, social media shares and notes
of kindness.:-) We hope to see you soon!
Wednesday- Saturday
Or by Appointment