Have you heard the news?! Pre-Shrunk 2021 has been e x t e n d e d and now we have time to VOTE for the winner of the PRE-SHURNK AWARD OF AWESOMENESS! Last year's winner returned the miniature trophy, so we've set up a VOTING SURVEY RIGHT HERE! VOTE BELOW NOW!
We collected the data from Flickr and these SIX images were the most viewed works in the show at this time! SELECT YOUR FAVOURITE ONE and share the link with friends!
*VOTING ENDS on Saturday, March 6th*
*Winner will be able to display the mini trophy at their home with pride for the year and WIN a $50 DeSerres Gift Certificate!
Choose from works by Isobel Hamilton, Gwendolyn Frankton, Diane Redden, Kimberley Eddy, Amber Gillespie and Chelsea Legge! Congrats folks!
Here's a photo of the winning artwork and happy winner from 2020 by Brigitte St-Arnaud! We could all get together and celebrate last year...here's hoping for more time together in the coming years! Once we get this Covid thing figured we'll be back at it, eh?