So that's enough rambling....let's start showing you some art by our amazingly talented artists...
First up, a few stunning MARK BRENNAN paintings. To see MORE works by Mark CLICK HERE
Then we received some tiny watercolours by Michelle St-Onge, all wonderfully priced and framed in a simple white frame ready for giving. These would be perfect for a nursery or family room! There are a few unframed too...just get in touch if you'd like us to send you pictures of those too (one is of seals and one is of winter bird)
Of course there are always new works arriving by probably one of the hardest working artists of Halifax, Gordon MacDonald. These three works all measure 12" x 12" and are painted on gold leaf.
And of course, no holiday would be complete without adding a little creature made from a show by Kim Danio! Here are just a few of the critters...but there are many more which you can see by
Two stunning new works by self-taught artist George Spencer have arrived just in time. Nothing says holiday nostaligia as oranges and clementines...and wine.
Another great still-life artists with a very unique approach named Briana Corr-Scott brought us some beautiful new works, but here's just one of our favourites! Isn't it beautiful? You can see MORE OF Briana's artwork by CLICKING HERE.

Nothing says Maritime Holidays more than the paintings by Kim Floyd. Here is the latest painting of Robertson's Candy, which is still made in Truro, Nova Scotia. We have a few other works by Kim you can see over HERE (note the Chicken Bones painting is sold, but we do have postcards which make a lovely touch in a small frame or sent in the mail)
Some beautiful new works by Jan Davison arrived too! They are inspired by her jogs and runs around the Point Pleasant Park here in Halifax...but they could be trees almost anywhere. We love this grouping, however they are strong paintings would do well each on their own too...See MORE WORK by Jan by Clicking HERE
Our very own staff member, Caitlin McGuire was sure to get one final work to us before the New Year....and we couldn't be happier with's called "Let Sleeping Cats Lie" See more works by Caitlin HERE
Here's a small work by Katharine Burns that would be welcomed under just about any tree this holiday season we suspect....A few more works by Katharine can be seen HERE too....
And finally two new works by Andy MacDonald...that reminds us that HOME is wherever we feel secure and comfy. Andy's Halifax homes are filled with glowing warm lights that make lots of hearts happy! See MORE WORK by Andy by Clicking HERE.
THERE IS LOT MORE TO LOOK AT BY GOING OVER TO OUR GIFT IDEAS PAGE BY CLICKING HERE! Updates made as new works arrive!! Check back often!