Friday, January 5, 2018


Welcome to day FOUR of HIGH NOON AT NOON! If you have missed our past HIGH NOON offers, look at our last entries and the works may still be available! We are extending the time on these, due to storm outages for many.  ENJOY!

Today's HIGH NOON at NOON is an acrylic painting by Kat Serediuk, a young artist we met years ago. This is an older work, but such a beautiful one that reminds that even though Winter has just begun, Spring will come again. 


Until tomorrow at HIGH NOON, this work sells for $195 and it's regular price is $425
HIGH NOON is a time sensitive "sale" on  selected works that the gallery and artist that created them feel is some of their best works...but haven't found a home yet. We'd like to introduce you to these works and hope that some of them find a home with you. We feature ONE  piece of art at HIGH NOON that will be priced at a special price but for just 24 hours! 

Each January we do an inventory which also means we are finding some works that are still looking for homes that we feel are wonderful!  Our annual HIGH NOON AT NOON begins today and continues until January 13th, 2018.