how every year you say to yourself, " I should have bought a Pre-Shrunk
Voucher?" Well TODAY, Thursday, October 4th is the first day they go
on sale for the Pre-Shrunk 2019 show; which opens on Friday, January
Read the details below and join in the fun!
Read the details below and join in the fun!
CALL 902-425-9456 OR 902-233-0784
If you don't get an answer right away, leave a voice message or email us ASAP and we'll put your name on the list as we receive it and get right back to you for payment and contact info! Whether you are #1 or #40..there are so many works to choose from, no one is every disappointed and you'll already be ahead of the crowd.
*ATTENTION ARTISTS: We will be posting the Pre-Shrunk guidelines on this blog the week of October 15th*
Gosh, October is sooooo busy, so we thought we'd do up this is just handy dandy list of things coming up! Mark your calendars!
Wednesday, October 3rd,
6:30-8pm, FREE
HALIFAX TALKS ART -What to do with your art once you have it?
Taking place at Secord
Gallery, 6301 Quinpool Road
Saturday, October 13th,
NOCTURNE: New exhibits by Mary Garoutte, Katharine Burns,
Isobel Hamilton. Interactive display of Shadow Sketching with Carol Dill and
Wednesday, October 17th,
6:30-8:30pm, $50
Painting with Pastels-
Make Fall Colours POP: Pastel
workshop with Sharon Cave, All supplies included and no previous experience is
necessary. Great for all ages. Call or email the gallery to register.
Saturday, October 20th,
events throught the Downtown!
All Welcomed –Fun for the entire Family!
Wednesday, October 24th,
6:30-8pm, FREE
Meet artist Mary Garoutte
and Katharine Burns Hear them speak about their latest works from “In Dreams”, Mini-reception to
follow in celebration.
Thursday, October 25th,
6:30-8:30pm, $30
Join artist Allison Irish
and learn to draw and doodle under the black lights! It’s a haunted doodle
night with instruction for anyone that thinks they can’t draw. All supplies
will be provided. Light snacks served.
It’s going to be BOOtiful! Call or email the gallery to register!
Saturday, October 27th,
Broken Beautiful, 1pm-3pm, FREE
Join us in celebrating a new
series of watercolours by Michelle Saint-Onge. This work will be of shells. A
portion of the proceeds will be donated in support of Breast Cancer care and
prevention in our community.
Drop by for HALLOWEEN fun
and candies on October 26th and 27th. Anyone that visits
us those days in a costume will be entered to win one FREE PRE-SHRUNK 2019