We've heard artist Mark Brennan speak on a number of occasions, about his passion for art and nature and how the two things are linked for him. Last Summer we worked with Mark and Kejimjukak National Park on a presentation about Mark's work and because it was so well received, we decided we should offer a similar opportunity for city dwelling art and nature lovers too.
Therefore, we're very excited to invite you all to attend this talk about Mark's new body of work, that will be on display during the night of the talk on Tuesday, November 25th, 6-7:30pm
Not only does Mark speak, paint and write beautifully about his experiences but he also records sounds in nature and makes films too. What doesn't Mark do! Come and discover Mark Brennan's world of art. Registration is required for the talk, as seating will be limited and there is a small fee, of $10. Call us to reserve your seat!