Saturday, January 11, 2014

HIGH TIME for ART at HIGH NOON 2014- Jane Rovers

If you haven't already noticed, we're in full swing of HIGH NOON at NOON again! From now until January 15th, we'll be once again be doing HIGH NOON at NOON...where we will be featuring ONE piece of art at HIGH NOON that will be priced at a special price but for just 24 hours! The works selected for these days, are works that the gallery and artist that created them feel is some of their best works...but haven't found a home yet. We'd like to introduce you to these works and hope that some of them find a home with you.

Today's feature is an absolute beauty, one that captures an illusive dream, or the memory of a place and time. You'll see that Jane Rovers has a special knack at creating scenes filled with light and atmosphere - and this piece is no exception. "Back Woods" measures 10" x 10" ans is set on 1.5" wide canvas. No need to frame this one - just find a special spot, hang it up, and allow it to change the feeling of the room!     


Back Woods by Jane Rovers is priced at $125 until tomorrow at HIGH NOON when this piece returns to its original price of $250.